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Grossmont Educational Foundation

What do we do?


Since September 1920, Grossmont High School has been educating students. The school is proud of its legacy and its outstanding students. Grossmont students are talented artists, athletes, and scholars. They need your help.

The Foundation is the ONLY support group on campus that helps raise MONEY and provides VOLUNTEER support for programs, supplies, and other needs that benefit ALL GHS students. We have no parent organization or umbrella and 100% of the money goes to the students, classrooms, and campus. Here are a few of the things we do every year – if you would like to help or get more details – we encourage you to come to any of our general meetings and get involved. This is a partial list of where your money goes. For more detail, download our 2016 - 2018 Impact Report

  • Student Scholarships
  • Teacher Mini-Grants
  • Staff Appreciation Activities
  • E-mail Communications
  • Campus Improvements
  • Student Assistance Funding
  • Student Awards
  • Parent Education
  • Parent Involvement

Mission Statement

The mission of the Grossmont High School Educational Foundation is to enhance the overall educational experience of students by raising, managing, and dispersing funds to support the academic, athletic and artistic needs of the school.
As part of fulfilling that mission, The Foundation is also dedicated to the preservation, commemoration, and celebration of Grossmont Foothiller history and traditions: past, present and future.

Museum Contact Info


Summer Hours 10-2
Saturdays, July 20th, August 17th, September 21, and Sunday, September 15th.

We are located near the pool
on the east side of campus.

Museum Directors
Connie and Lynn Baer

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Alum/Museum Facebook
Foothiller Foundation

Support The Museum

100 anniversary flyer

You can make a tax deductible donation to the GHS Museum via the PayPal link below!

2020 map

Click Map for Larger Image

Create Your Own Museum Moment
This Summer from 10-2

Saturdays, July 20th, August 17th, September 21,
and Sunday, September 15th.

Closest parking available off Dennstedt Place, near the tennis courts. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.